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DDMMM UTC 16Mar 13:25 132230 -27 0.0 660 : N0AN KA2UQW -18 q3* (N0AN/6M/500/5EL Hasan IA EN22xc ) 16Mar 13:24 132400 -25 0.2 642 : KA2UQW N0AN R-27 q3 (KA2UQW Andy NJ FN20xh ) 16Mar 13:23 132300 Tx 650 : KA2UQW N0AN R-27 (N0AN/6M/500/5EL Hasan IA EN22xc ) 16Mar 13:22 N0AN, 3rd decode that last round (KA2UQW Andy NJ FN20xh ) 16Mar 13:21 132015 5 10.7 1512 & WT0DX N0LWF RRR In the log! (WT0DX Bill CO DM79ip ) 16Mar 13:20 Tnx Peter. 73 (WA4CQG/6/2 Dale AL EM72fo ) 16Mar 13:18 Building an average (N0AN/6M/500/5EL Hasan IA EN22xc ) 16Mar 13:17 1st decode (KA2UQW Andy NJ FN20xh ) 16Mar 13:14 WA4CQG Dale, tnx Dale, 1st MS in awhile RR73 (KB1HY Peter CT FN31lu ) 16Mar 13:13 KE4TH: Thanks, Keith, I logged it. 73 (N0AN/6M/500/5EL Hasan IA EN22xc ) 16Mar 13:13 KA2UQW: 50.275 DF 650, me 1st Q65-30A (N0AN/6M/500/5EL Hasan IA EN22xc ) 16Mar 13:13 rr 650 (KA2UQW Andy NJ FN20xh ) 16Mar 13:12 QSY to .260. Have a great day! (KE4TH Keith UT DN40ll ) 16Mar 13:12 650 Hz, KA2UQW, me 1st (N0AN/6M/500/5EL Hasan IA EN22xc ) 16Mar 13:11 N0AN, sure Hasan, df? (KA2UQW Andy NJ FN20xh ) 16Mar 13:11 KE4TH: Let's stop, at least we had decodes both ways and you are in the log. (N0AN/6M/500/5EL Hasan IA EN22xc ) 16Mar 13:11 Hasan thanks so much and we will try again. (KE4TH Keith UT DN40ll ) 16Mar 13:11 N0AN a few more very light tones/sparkles but alas no decode (KE4TH Keith UT DN40ll ) 16Mar 13:10 KA2UQW: Andy want to run Q65-30A ? (N0AN/6M/500/5EL Hasan IA EN22xc ) 16Mar 13:10 K4MY, tu Rob, had 5 decodes on u, some with audible tones. 73 (KA2UQW Andy NJ FN20xh ) 16Mar 13:10 you are in my most low noise direction. (N0AN/6M/500/5EL Hasan IA EN22xc ) 16Mar 13:09 130900 -13 0.1 650 : N0AN KE4TH R-26 q2: haven't missed a decode since we started. (N0AN/6M/500/5EL Hasan IA EN22xc ) 16Mar 13:08 130530 -20 0.2 1003 : K4MY KA2UQW RRR q4 tnx andy gud one with marginal conditions (K4MY Rob GA EM74re ) 16Mar 13:08 N0AN now at 10 sequences w/o decode. (KE4TH Keith UT DN40ll ) 16Mar 13:07 Tones. (KE4TH Keith UT DN40ll ) 16Mar 13:07 Let's call it. Hate to tie you up too long. (KE4TH Keith UT DN40ll ) 16Mar 13:07 No, it will interfere with decodes/averaging (N0AN/6M/500/5EL Hasan IA EN22xc ) 16Mar 13:06 N0AN, switch to Sh here to copy the RR73? (KE4TH Keith UT DN40ll ) 16Mar 13:04 130400 -22 0.1 650 : N0AN KE4TH R-26 q3 (N0AN/6M/500/5EL Hasan IA EN22xc ) 16Mar 13:03 2 decodes here but hope more sparkles (K4MY Rob GA EM74re ) 16Mar 13:03 N0AN using HDSDR w RSP1B since is has a good noise blanker. (KE4TH Keith UT DN40ll ) 16Mar 13:02 K4MY, more progress (KA2UQW Andy NJ FN20xh ) 16Mar 13:02 A few sparkles. (KE4TH Keith UT DN40ll ) 16Mar 13:02 Still decoding you every sequence, so it sends RR73 again, automaticallly. (N0AN/6M/500/5EL Hasan IA EN22xc ) 16Mar 13:01 N0AN still building average. (KE4TH Keith UT DN40ll ) 16Mar 13:01 Bravo on the SDR! (N0AN/6M/500/5EL Hasan IA EN22xc ) 16Mar 13:00 Running Flex and RSP1B in parallel w splitter. No decodes on Flex. (KE4TH Keith UT DN40ll ) 16Mar 12:59 N0AN RR. (KE4TH Keith UT DN40ll ) 16Mar 12:58 KE4TH: let me know when to stop sending RR73 (N0AN/6M/500/5EL Hasan IA EN22xc ) 16Mar 12:58 KE4TH: sending RR73 repeatedly (N0AN/6M/500/5EL Hasan IA EN22xc ) 16Mar 12:58 125700 -15 0.1 650 : N0AN KE4TH R-26 q3: Sending RR73 repeatedly. Wow, 7 sequence averaging on your end. (N0AN/6M/500/5EL Hasan IA EN22xc ) 16Mar 12:57 K4MY, expecting some high winds hr later today, probably run beams down tower to be on safe side (KA2UQW Andy NJ FN20xh ) 16Mar 12:57 125630 -26 0.8 660 : KE4TH N0AN -19 q37 (KE4TH Keith UT DN40ll ) 16Mar 12:56 125530 -24 0.2 1008 : K4MY KA2UQW -24 q39 ant shifted with wind last night (K4MY Rob GA EM74re ) 16Mar 12:56 125600 -16 0.1 650 : N0AN KE4TH DN40 q3: copying you every sequence. (N0AN/6M/500/5EL Hasan IA EN22xc ) 16Mar 12:56 Mostly meteor pings here. Average building. (KE4TH Keith UT DN40ll ) 16Mar 12:55 125500 -8 0.0 650 : N0AN KE4TH DN40 q3 (N0AN/6M/500/5EL Hasan IA EN22xc ) 16Mar 12:54 125400 -13 0.0 650 : N0AN KE4TH DN40 q2 (N0AN/6M/500/5EL Hasan IA EN22xc ) 16Mar 12:53 125300 -7 0.1 650 : N0AN KE4TH DN40 q0 (N0AN/6M/500/5EL Hasan IA EN22xc ) 16Mar 12:52 They are, thanks for the reminder. (KE4TH Keith UT DN40ll )
Any non-meteor scatter use is strictly prohibited.