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17Mar 12:28 U as well, Dale -73- 	(KG5JJ/10/6/QRO Charles AR EM26ul )
17Mar 12:28 Glad to hear you back. BIG SIGNAL!	(WA4CQG/6/2 Dale AL EM72fo )
17Mar 12:26 WA4CQG - Dale - Yep, snow and ice damage, wind damage.  It's been ruff keepin' up with Mother Nature!	(KG5JJ/10/6/QRO Charles AR EM26ul )
17Mar 12:24 KG5JJ Tnx Charles, its beena while!	(WA4CQG/6/2 Dale AL EM72fo )
17Mar 12:21 N8LRG - Phil - Tnx for Q! = 122015   3 11.8 1502 &  KG5JJ N8LRG 73	(KG5JJ/10/6/QRO Charles AR EM26ul )
17Mar 12:20 WA4CQG - Dale - Tnx for Q! -73- 121915  -1  8.3 1462 &  KG5JJ WA4CQG 73	(KG5JJ/10/6/QRO Charles AR EM26ul )
17Mar 12:11	(K0TPP/2/6/222 Larry mo EM48ll )
17Mar 12:11 W4IMD - Peter - Tnx for contact! -73- 121045   0 12.7 1568 &  KG5JJ W4IMD RR73 - 121100  Tx      1500 &  W4IMD KG5JJ 73	(KG5JJ/10/6/QRO Charles AR EM26ul )
17Mar 12:11 CHARLES TNX 73	(W4IMD Peter GA EM84ab )
17Mar 12:10 no sorry	(K0TPP/2/6/222 Larry mo EM48ll )
17Mar 12:06 120530 -19  1.9 1367 ~ CQ VU4AX NK61             *Andaman & Nicobar Is.30 meters	(K0TPP/2/6/222 Larry mo EM48ll )
17Mar 12:04 Got a dozen or so replies from you LArry but I guess you're not seeing my replies.	(VA3TO Hugh ON FN03bm )
17Mar 12:00 3115745   2  5.3 1495 &  K0TPP VA3TO FN03115745   6  5.6 1492 &  K0TPP VA3TO FN03115745   7  6.1 1492 &  K0TPP VA3TO FN03	(K0TPP/2/6/222 Larry mo EM48rk )
17Mar 12:00 115715   9  9.7 1492 &  K0TPP VA3TO FN03115715  12 11.9 1491 &  K0TPP VA3TO FN03115715  13 12.4 1491 &  K0TPP VA3TO FN03115745  10  0.8 1494 &  K0TPP VA3TO FN03115745   0  1.1 1493 &  K0TPP VA3TO FN0	(K0TPP/2/6/222 Larry mo EM48rk )
17Mar 11:54 Things to do! See y'all later! 73 everybody!	(WA2FZW/6M/2M John NJ FN20tp )
17Mar 11:52 you will need to download to watch	(K0TPP/2/6/222 Larry mo EM48rk )
17Mar 11:51 VA3SK Ken, watch video	(K0TPP/2/6/222 Larry mo EM48rk )
17Mar 11:51 115030   1  9.4 1517 &  VA3SK K0TPP 73  Thanks Larry took longer than usual!	(VA3SK/6/2/100 Ken ON FN06jf )
17Mar 11:50 115015   2 12.2 1484 &  K0TPP VA3SK RRR	(K0TPP/2/6/222 Larry mo EM48rk )
17Mar 11:44 aha114330   6  4.5 1498 &  VA3SK K0TPP	(KF2T George MD FM19ma )
17Mar 11:42 114200   2 14.7 1498 &  KF2T K0TPP EM48   calling again?	(KF2T George MD FM19ma )
17Mar 11:38 Thanks John.	(VA3SK/6/2/100 Ken ON FN06jf )
17Mar 11:38 113745   6 14.1 1499 &  VA3SK WA2FZW 73  yeh!	(VA3SK/6/2/100 Ken ON FN06jf )
17Mar 11:38 113730   5 14.1 1504 &  WA2FZW VA3SK RRR - Ta Da! - Tnk Ken - Best ~Plus~5 - Have a great day! - 73	(WA2FZW/6M/2M John NJ FN20tp )
17Mar 11:38 thanks, Larry!	(KF2T George MD FM19ma )
17Mar 11:37 113645   8  7.9 1505 &  K0TPP KF2T RR73      U.S.A.	(K0TPP/2/6/222 Larry mo EM48rk )
17Mar 11:36 WA2FZW it's always that last one that is the sticky one	(VA3SK/6/2/100 Ken ON FN06jf )
17Mar 11:35 Whine, Whine, Whine, Whine, Whine, Whine, Whine, Whine, Whine, Whine!	(WA2FZW/6M/2M John NJ FN20tp )
17Mar 11:34 113345   1  7.0 1497 &  CQ KF2T FM19         U.S.A.	(K0TPP/2/6/222 Larry mo EM48rk )
17Mar 11:30 WA2FZW looks like some terrestrial help on a few	(VA3SK/6/2/100 Ken ON FN06jf )
17Mar 11:29 VA3SK - Got ya	(WA2FZW/6M/2M John NJ FN20tp )
17Mar 11:27 ~Plus~14 nice one 	(VA3SK/6/2/100 Ken ON FN06jf )
17Mar 11:26 Switched to calling you	(WA2FZW/6M/2M John NJ FN20tp )
17Mar 11:26 Answering John but not holding out a lot of hope!	(VA3SK/6/2/100 Ken ON FN06jf )
17Mar 11:25 Tnx Ken - Turning your way	(WA2FZW/6M/2M John NJ FN20tp )
17Mar 11:25 112445   4  4.2 1493 &  CQ WA2FZW FN20     U.S.A.  a teaser	(VA3SK/6/2/100 Ken ON FN06jf )
17Mar 11:22 GM John	(VA3SK/6/2/100 Ken ON FN06jf )
17Mar 11:22 GM Ken	(WA2FZW/6M/2M John NJ FN20tp )
17Mar 11:21 112030  12 10.5 1498 &  VA3SK N8LRG 73	(VA3SK/6/2/100 Ken ON FN06jf )
17Mar 11:18 CQ on 6&2 - Looking West	(WA2FZW/6M/2M John NJ FN20tp )
17Mar 11:17 Have fun on Philadelphia! LOL!	(WA2FZW/6M/2M John NJ FN20tp )
17Mar 11:16 73 Pete	(WA2FZW/6M/2M John NJ FN20tp )
17Mar 11:16 ..and with that I'm off to Eagle country...73 all!	(KD9VV Pete IN EN71ib )
17Mar 11:15 WA2FZW: Tnx John, best +10db...111445   4 11.2 1469 &  KD9VV WA2FZW 73	(KD9VV Pete IN EN71ib )
17Mar 11:14 111430   8  3.5 1526 &  WA2FZW KD9VV RR73 - Thanks Pete - Best ~Plus~12 - Have a great day! - 73	(WA2FZW/6M/2M John NJ FN20tp )
17Mar 11:14 KD9VV - Pedal harder!	(WA2FZW/6M/2M John NJ FN20tp )
17Mar 11:14 111315   0  5.5 1490 &  CQ N1KWF FN32	(KD9VV Pete IN EN71ib )
17Mar 11:13 73 Ray	(KD9VV Pete IN EN71ib )
17Mar 11:13 73 Ray - ~Plus~8 on your CQ - Have a great day! - 73	(WA2FZW/6M/2M John NJ FN20tp )
17Mar 11:12 Stopped on 2M.  Need to get around.  Plumber on the way early this morning.	(W9VHF Ray IN EN71lf )

This service is to be used only for the purposes of discussing matters related to amateur radio meteor scatter communications.

Any non-meteor scatter use is strictly prohibited.

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