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DDMMM UTC 24Mar 00:49 CQ stopped (KF2ZQ Scott NY FN30hu ) 24Mar 00:34 CQ MSK 50.260 2nd/odd. Just curious (KF2ZQ Scott NY FN30hu ) 23Mar 23:16 CQ stopped (KF2ZQ Scott NY FN30hu ) 23Mar 23:04 CQ 6M Q65-30A df 1350 2nd (KF2ZQ Scott NY FN30hu ) 23Mar 19:17 test (K5HPT Vic LA EM32ax ) 23Mar 12:50 k (N0AN/6M/500/5EL Hasan IA EN22xc ) 23Mar 12:50 N0KK: howdy Kir (N0AN/6M/500/5EL Hasan IA EN22xc ) 23Mar 12:46 k3sk TU qso (N0KK/6M/2M/QRO Kirk MN EN35ha ) 23Mar 12:46 n9agc calling you (N0KK/6M/2M/QRO Kirk MN EN35ha ) 23Mar 12:44 Both your early CQ and this CQ were with the ant south of your bearing. (KE4TH Keith UT DN40ll ) 23Mar 12:44 N0AN next time I will have the antenna a bit south of you. That seems to help. (KE4TH Keith UT DN40ll ) 23Mar 12:33 Har! (N0AN/6M/500/5EL Hasan IA EN22xc ) 23Mar 12:33 123245 3 4.5 1507 & CQ N0AN EN22 (KE4TH Keith UT DN40ll ) 23Mar 12:32 rr (N0AN/6M/500/5EL Hasan IA EN22xc ) 23Mar 12:31 N0AN Thanks so much. We can try again in April during the shower. (KE4TH Keith UT DN40ll ) 23Mar 12:30 KE4TH: the 2nd I sent you RR73 you were in the log, so let's call it. Now... (N0AN/6M/500/5EL Hasan IA EN22xc ) 23Mar 12:29 122900 4 8.3 1498 & N0AN KE4TH R~Plus~00 (N0AN/6M/500/5EL Hasan IA EN22xc ) 23Mar 12:28 I"m zooming with N0KK now and he says HI and thanks (N0AN/6M/500/5EL Hasan IA EN22xc ) 23Mar 12:28 K3SK: Kirk, N0KK thanks you for the qso, in the log, Dave. (N0AN/6M/500/5EL Hasan IA EN22xc ) 23Mar 12:27 N0AN if I ever get my rx and good as my tx, this will be a dynamite station. (KE4TH Keith UT DN40ll ) 23Mar 12:26 KE4TH: Sure, Keith, will stop at 12:30 UTC (N0AN/6M/500/5EL Hasan IA EN22xc ) 23Mar 12:24 122400 15 3.7 1504 & N0AN KE4TH R~Plus~00 (N0AN/6M/500/5EL Hasan IA EN22xc ) 23Mar 12:23 N0AN: how about a time limit of 12:30 gmt? (KE4TH Keith UT DN40ll ) 23Mar 12:22 :-) (N0AN/6M/500/5EL Hasan IA EN22xc ) 23Mar 12:20 N0AN: maybe should specify good rock from W to E. (KE4TH Keith UT DN40ll ) 23Mar 12:20 N0AN: snivel, whine, and pleading for one more good rock. (KE4TH Keith UT DN40ll ) 23Mar 12:19 KE4TH: -2, 17 (N0AN/6M/500/5EL Hasan IA EN22xc ) 23Mar 12:18 KE4TH: another burst: 5,8,-3,0,1 10- (N0AN/6M/500/5EL Hasan IA EN22xc ) 23Mar 12:18 KE4TH: with only one rock required, we can afford to be patient! (N0AN/6M/500/5EL Hasan IA EN22xc ) 23Mar 12:17 KE4TH: 5,8 (N0AN/6M/500/5EL Hasan IA EN22xc ) 23Mar 12:16 You bet! (N0AN/6M/500/5EL Hasan IA EN22xc ) 23Mar 12:16 121600 3 9.5 1497 & CQ NA5Q EM30 (N0AN/6M/500/5EL Hasan IA EN22xc ) 23Mar 12:16 Will call it on rx. (KE4TH Keith UT DN40ll ) 23Mar 12:15 Nice burst: _16,21,22,23 (N0AN/6M/500/5EL Hasan IA EN22xc ) 23Mar 12:15 121430 16 6.1 1496 & N0AN KE4TH R~Plus~00: Sending RR73 repeatedly. (N0AN/6M/500/5EL Hasan IA EN22xc ) 23Mar 12:14 N0AN progress! (KE4TH Keith UT DN40ll ) 23Mar 12:14 KE4TH: I can be patient, catching up on reading my emails. (N0AN/6M/500/5EL Hasan IA EN22xc ) 23Mar 12:13 N0AN Wow! Both rxs cranked up. Listening hard. (KE4TH Keith UT DN40ll ) 23Mar 12:13 121245 15 7.0 1510 & CQ K3SK FM07 U.S.A. [922 mi] nice rocks on 2 (W5EME Rick LA EM32ai ) 23Mar 12:12 KE4TH: 12,17,18, 20 (N0AN/6M/500/5EL Hasan IA EN22xc ) 23Mar 12:12 KE4TH: _3,0,6 and 1 so far (N0AN/6M/500/5EL Hasan IA EN22xc ) 23Mar 12:12 GM Hasan, copied your CQ and responding. (KE4TH Keith UT DN40ll ) 23Mar 12:11 121100 0 3.0 1502 & N0AN KE4TH DN40: GM Keith...Running. (N0AN/6M/500/5EL Hasan IA EN22xc ) 23Mar 12:10 Nothing on 222 yet (W5EME/6/2/222 Rick La EM32ai ) 23Mar 12:10 Ok, logged (W5EME/6/2/222 Rick La EM32ai ) 23Mar 12:10 CQ 260 2nd WEST MSK144 (N0AN/6M/500/5EL Hasan IA EN22xc ) 23Mar 12:09 W5EME nothing on222 thoe (K3SK Dave VA FM07th ) 23Mar 12:09 w5EME 2 full seq of RR (K3SK Dave VA FM07th ) 23Mar 12:08 W5EME RR in the log. (K3SK Dave VA FM07th ) 23Mar 12:08 120745 11 6.3 1506 & CQ K3SK FM07 U.S.A. [922 mi] lots decodes on 2m (W5EME Rick LA EM32ai )
Any non-meteor scatter use is strictly prohibited.