Ping Jockey CQ Announcements.

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18Feb 02:26 CQ 144.150 MSK144 WEST ODD	(KJ7LVZ Joshua UT DM58hi )
30Dec 13:23 CQ on 28.142 ~ MSK144 ~ Even	(NE8S/10M/6M/2M Doc KS EM17iq )
28Dec 10:47 CQ on 28.145 ~ MSK144 ~ Even	(NE8S/10M/6M/2M Doc KS EM17iq )
27Dec 03:51 CQ on 28.145 ~ MSK144 ~ Even	(NE8S/10M/6M/2M Doc KS EM17iq )
26Dec 18:41 CQ on 28.130 ~ MSK144 ~ Even	(NE8S/10M/6M/2M Doc KS EM17iq )
26Dec 11:46	(NE8S/10M/6M/2M Doc KS EM17iq )
24Dec 19:05 CQ on 28.150 MSK144 Even ~ as permitted via FCC 23-93 adopted and released on 11.12.2023 and 1.8.2024	(NE8S/10M/6M/2M Doc KS EM17iq )
23Dec 19:31 CQ on 28.145 ~ MSK144 ~ Even	(NE8S/10M/6M/2M Doc KS EM17iq )
23Dec 12:56 CQ on 28.280 MSK144 Even	(NE8S/10M/6M/2M Doc KS EM17iq )
23Dec 11:52 CQ on 28.260 MSK144 Even	(NE8S/10M/6M/2M Doc KS EM17iq )
23Dec 11:44 CQ on 28.145 MSK144 Even	(NE8S/10M/6M/2M Doc KS EM17iq )
21Dec 21:08 CQ on 28.260 MSK144 Even	(NE8S/10M/6M/2M Doc KS EM17iq )
21Dec 19:59 CQ on 28.210 MSK144 Even	(NE8S/10M/6M/2M Doc KS EM17iq )
21Dec 19:42 CQ on 28.150 MSK144 Even	(NE8S/10M/6M/2M Doc KS EM17iq )
21Dec 15:59 CQ on 28.160 MSK144 Even	(NE8S/10M/6M/2M Doc KS EM17iq )
21Dec 15:50 CQ on 28.150 MSK144 Even	(NE8S/10M/6M/2M Doc KS EM17iq )
21Dec 15:38 CQ on 28.145 MSK144 Even ~ as permitted via FCC 23-93 adopted and released on 11.12.2023 and 1.8.2024	(NE8S/10M/6M/2M Doc KS EM17iq )
21Dec 13:36 CQ on 28.145 MSK144 Even	(NE8S/10M/6M/2M Doc KS EM17iq )
13Aug 00:24  CQ on 50.260 MSK144 Even	(KE0ND Mike ND EN17lx )
11Aug 02:19 CQ on 50.260 MSK144 Even	(KE0ND Mike ND EN17lx )
10Aug 19:14 CQ 50.260 MSK144 2nd 15s Looking West	(VA2IW Bert QU FN25bk )
10Aug 19:13 CQ 50.260 MSK144 2nd 15s Looking West	(VE2ZAZ Bert QU FN25bk )
10Aug 18:40 CQ on 50.260 MSK144 west TX 2	(VE3ELL Russ ON FN04bh )
10Aug 02:37 CQ on 50.260 MSK144 Even	(KE0ND Mike ND EN17lx )
15Apr 02:37 CQ on 50.260 MSK144 (even) for a little bit.	(KB9NVQ Franz IL EM48ll )
09Mar 18:04 CQ MSK144 50.260 Odd	(W3AWG Jason PA FN00ll )
26Feb 23:01 Hello everyone.  Just a beginner here.  	(W6WDS Bill CA DM13mq )
05Nov 03:07 CQ on 50.260 MSK144 (odd) for a little bit.	(KB9NVQ Franz IL EM48ll )
03Oct 03:22 (now QRT)	(KB9NVQ Franz IL EM48ll )
03Oct 02:34 CQ on 50.260 MSK144 Even	(KB9NVQ Franz IL EM48ll )
13Aug 11:34 CQ 260  MSK144  ODD	(VO1HP Frank NF GN37po )
13Aug 11:30 Anyone for meteor try?	(K9MRI Joe IN EN70iu )
06Apr 11:42 WF1L what mode you using?	(KF2T George MD FM19ma )
06Apr 11:39 welcome. Steve and Tom!	(KF2T George MD FM19ma )
06Apr 11:38 113815   9  1.2 1505 &   KF2T WA2FZW  73	(KF2T George MD FM19ma )
06Apr 11:36 WA2FZW GM and thanks for the reminder	(KF2T George MD FM19ma )
27Jan 00:27 Just getting started with this option of ham radio.	(K7SWF Steve AZ DM24ul )
21Oct 15:28 Anyone in MS range of DM13 have 40 Mhz RX ability want to test 40 Mhz ROX? Email me.  WM2XCC		(N3IZN/6/2 Chris CA DM13ji )
30Sep 19:37 No joy, will listen ene from Central Texas	(W5XTT Tom TX EM10wm )
30Sep 19:17 Calling on 260 noob thanks	(W5XTT Tom TX EM10wm )
10Sep 15:11 calling on 260	(VE3UJK John ON FN04ap )
22Aug 08:19 wb2rem sec	(WB2REM Jim FL EL97ll )
22Aug 08:18 WB2REM CQ 50.260 el97	(WB2REM Jim FL EL97ll )
14Aug 12:26 W7HRF DN43 CQ 50.270 1st	(W7HRF Mark ID DN43ap )
02Aug 01:54 CQ 50.265 second  15 sec	(WD5BJT Charlie MS EM50ij )
29Jul 10:27 WA4CQG Dale, tnx for the call	(N1YCQ/6/2 Wheat MA FN41lp )
14Jul 14:53 144815 17 3.5 1500 & CQ K7MAC	(VE6AMC Mike AB DO21vb )
13Jul 15:25 cq cq 144.360  west	(WF1L Bill DE FM29fc )
19May 02:54 cq 50.235 120E 	(KE4QCM Thomas GA EM73ws )
07May 11:27 Listening on 50.260 now	(XE2WK Ben MN EL03kr )

This service is to be used only for the purposes of discussing matters related to amateur radio meteor scatter communications.

Any non-meteor scatter use is strictly prohibited.

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