
Updated at Fri Jan 17 22:50:26 CST 2025

17Jan 14:46 stopped	(KA2UQW Andy NJ FN20xh )
17Jan 14:38 cq q65, 6m, 2nd, SW, 1khz	(KA2UQW Andy NJ FN20xh )
17Jan 14:37 pings at 1k, no decode	(KA2UQW Andy NJ FN20xh )
17Jan 14:35 Q65A 143430 0 dB 0.3 s Freq 1010 Hz ~GT~ CQ KA2UQW FN20	(K0TPP/2/6/222 Larry mo EM48ll )
17Jan 14:33 Q65A 143230 -1 dB 0.3 s Freq 1010 Hz ~GT~ CQ KA2UQW FN20	(K0TPP/2/6/222 Larry mo EM48ll )
17Jan 14:31 cq q65, 6m, 2nd, WNW, 1khz	(KA2UQW Andy NJ FN20xh )
17Jan 14:27 142700 -17  0.3 1208 :  KA2UQW K0TPP 73      q3  tu	(KA2UQW Andy NJ FN20xh )
17Jan 14:27 Q65A 142630 -19 dB 0.3 s Freq 1010 Hz ~GT~ K0TPP KA2UQW RRR	(K0TPP/2/6/222 Larry mo EM48ll )
17Jan 14:21 cq q65, 6m, 2nd, WNW, 1khz	(KA2UQW Andy NJ FN20xh )
17Jan 14:21 gm James	(KA2UQW Andy NJ FN20xh )
17Jan 14:14 gm guys	(WB4HIE/2/6 James nc EM95cq )
17Jan 14:13 141200  -6  0.3 2028 :  WB4HIE N0AN EN22     q	(WB4HIE/2/6 James nc EM95cq )
17Jan 13:53 Q65A 135230 -20 dB 0.2 s Freq 1999 Hz ~GT~ N0AN NM3G EM96	(K0TPP/2/6/222 Larry mo EM48ll )
17Jan 13:48 CQ stopped	(W0BX Bill CO DM59rc )
17Jan 13:41 CQ Q65 1st 2000	(W0BX Bill CO DM59rc )
17Jan 13:38 cq stopped	(KA2UQW Andy NJ FN20xh )
17Jan 13:37 rr cul	(K0TPP/2/6/222 Larry mo EM48ll )
17Jan 13:37 K0TPP hope to see your sigs this weekend	(W0BX Bill CO DM59rc )
17Jan 13:36 133600 -20  0.2 2297 :  WB8ZBT WB7CJO RRR    q0	(K0TPP/2/6/222 Larry mo EM48ll )
17Jan 13:35	(K0TPP/2/6/222 Larry mo EM48ll )
17Jan 13:34 W0BX Bill, if you are using head phones for q65 your a better man then me	(K0TPP/2/6/222 Larry mo EM48ll )
17Jan 13:33 OK, it was a short between the headphones!  all OK	(W0BX Bill CO DM59rc )
17Jan 13:32 cq q65, 6m, 2nd, SW, 1khz	(KA2UQW Andy NJ FN20xh )
17Jan 13:30 looks like program decode me  mite be the waterfall setting	(K0TPP/2/6/222 Larry mo EM48ll )
17Jan 13:29 132800 -19  1.3 2000 :  K0TPP W0BX RR73      q3 U.S.A.	(K0TPP/2/6/222 Larry mo EM48ll )
17Jan 13:28 132730 -17 -0.8 2007 :  W0BX K0TPP R-13    q3	(W0BX Bill CO DM59rc )
17Jan 13:28 132800 -19  1.3 2000 :  K0TPP W0BX RR73      q3 U.S.A.	(K0TPP/2/6/222 Larry mo EM48ll )
17Jan 13:28 Larry, my sequence doesn't show Q.  What do I have wrong?	(W0BX Bill CO DM59rc )
17Jan 13:27 132700 -23  0.3 1983 :  NM3G N0AN EN22       q0*	(KA2UQW Andy NJ FN20xh )
17Jan 13:26 ok great	(K0TPP/2/6/222 Larry mo EM48ll )
17Jan 13:26 132545   0 13.1 1501 &  AA9MY N9HF RR73 Thks 50.260 GM	(AA9MY Bob IL EN50fm )
17Jan 13:26 132530 -20 -0.8 2007 :  W0BX K0TPP EM48    q3	(W0BX Bill CO DM59rc )
17Jan 13:24 132400 -16  1.2 2001 :  CQ W0BX DM59         q0* U.S.A.	(K0TPP/2/6/222 Larry mo EM48ll )
17Jan 13:24 132330   2  8.7 1499 &  N0LL NJ6D DM42	(K0TPP/2/6/222 Larry mo EM48ll )
17Jan 13:23 I see sparkles	(W0BX Bill CO DM59rc )
17Jan 13:23 W0BX, afraid that is a bit too far for scatter, 1800mi	(KA2UQW Andy NJ FN20xh )
17Jan 13:22 i see your trace you are txing on 30 q65a 	(K0TPP/2/6/222 Larry mo EM48ll )
17Jan 13:22 KA2UQW 2000	(W0BX Bill CO DM59rc )
17Jan 13:21 cq q65, 6m, 2nd, WNW, 1khz	(KA2UQW Andy NJ FN20xh )
17Jan 13:20 W0BX Bill, where are you txing on water fall	(K0TPP/2/6/222 Larry mo EM48ll )
17Jan 13:16 CQ 50.275 Q65-30a	(W0BX Bill CO DM59rc )
17Jan 13:04 Tnx Q65 Larry... 130400 -14  0.4 1500 :  VA3TO K0TPP 73     q3   	(VA3TO Hugh ON FN03bm )
17Jan 13:04 130330 -19  0.3 1487 :  K0TPP VA3TO RR73     q3 Canada	(K0TPP/2/6/222 Larry mo EM48ll )
17Jan 13:02 130130 -18  0.3 1490 :  CQ VA3TO FN03        q3 Canada	(K0TPP/2/6/222 Larry mo EM48ll )
17Jan 13:01 130030 -10  0.3 1490 :  CQ VA3TO FN03        q0 Canada130030  -5  0.3 1491 :  CQ VA3TO FN03        q0 Canada	(K0TPP/2/6/222 Larry mo EM48ll )
17Jan 13:00 RR	(VA3TO Hugh ON FN03bm )
17Jan 12:59 i stoped	(K0TPP/2/6/222 Larry mo EM48ll )
17Jan 12:59 Larry, I had a couple of decodes from you but not seeing anything now.	(VA3TO Hugh ON FN03bm )
17Jan 12:56 Have a good day John !	(VA3TO Hugh ON FN03bm )
17Jan 12:56 CQ 144150  	(KA1W Dave CT FN31ki )
17Jan 12:55 125030  -6  1.1 1444 &  CQ WA4CQG EM72     U.S.A.	(WA4BAN Henrik NC FM06sa )
17Jan 12:55 Things to do! See y'all later! 73 everybody!	(WA2FZW/6M/2M John NJ FN20tp )
17Jan 12:53 KK 	(VA3TO Hugh ON FN03bm )
17Jan 12:53 dam i was on 2nd on frist now	(K0TPP/2/6/222 Larry mo EM48ll )
17Jan 12:53 CQ Stopped - 6&2	(WA2FZW/6M/2M John NJ FN20tp )
17Jan 12:52 Are you first or 2nd seq Larry ?	(VA3TO Hugh ON FN03bm )
17Jan 12:51 see trace	(K0TPP/2/6/222 Larry mo EM48ll )
17Jan 12:50 ;)	(VA3TO Hugh ON FN03bm )
17Jan 12:49 ~ CQ 1st ~ 50275 ~   q65	(K0TPP/2/6/222 Larry mo EM48ll )
17Jan 12:48 VA3TO sorry need more coffee	(WA4CQG/6/2 Dale AL EM72fo )
17Jan 12:48 WA4CQG... GM Dale.   124800   5  2.4 1472 &  VA3TO WA4CQG RR73   	(VA3TO Hugh ON FN03bm )
17Jan 12:48 VA6TO GM Hugh and Tnx	(WA4CQG/6/2 Dale AL EM72fo )
17Jan 12:46 G'day John !	(VA3TO Hugh ON FN03bm )
17Jan 12:46 GM Hugh	(WA2FZW/6M/2M John NJ FN20tp )
17Jan 12:46 73 Ray	(WA2FZW/6M/2M John NJ FN20tp )
17Jan 12:45 Time to get productive.  73 all.	(W9VHF Ray IN EN71lf )
17Jan 12:45 K0TPP... GM Larry, tnx !  	(VA3TO Hugh ON FN03bm )
17Jan 12:45 124415  -3 11.0 1486 &  K0TPP VA3TO RR73     Canada	(K0TPP/2/6/222 Larry mo EM48ll )
17Jan 12:45 CQ on 6&2 - Looking WSW	(WA2FZW/6M/2M John NJ FN20tp )
17Jan 12:42 124230  23  3.8 1468 &  xxxxx WA4CQG EM72 - Looks like Es here Dale	(WA2FZW/6M/2M John NJ FN20tp )
17Jan 12:41 it is the low battery chirp!	(WA4BAN Henrik NC FM06sa )
17Jan 12:41 6 meter yagi too near house	(WA4BAN Henrik NC FM06sa )
17Jan 12:41 Just remove the battery!	(WA2FZW/6M/2M John NJ FN20tp )
17Jan 12:40 I don't tx often, it makes smoke detector chirp, XYL hates it.	(WA4BAN Henrik NC FM06sa )
17Jan 12:39 GM all.	(WA4BAN Henrik NC FM06sa )
17Jan 12:39 GM Henrik	(WA2FZW/6M/2M John NJ FN20tp )
17Jan 12:38 123630  -8  8.9 1489 &  VA3TO K0TPP EM48	(WA4BAN Henrik NC FM06sa )
17Jan 12:38 73 Pete	(WA2FZW/6M/2M John NJ FN20tp )
17Jan 12:38 GM John and 73	(WA4CQG/6/2 Dale AL EM72fo )
17Jan 12:38 73 Pete	(W9VHF Ray IN EN71lf )
17Jan 12:38 Time to start the day. 73 to all the marathoners this morning!	(KD9VV Pete IN EN71ib )
17Jan 12:37 123630   1  9.1 1473 &  WA2FZW WA4CQG 73 - Tnx Dale - Best ~Plus~4 - Have a great day! - 73	(WA2FZW/6M/2M John NJ FN20tp )
17Jan 12:37 RR..If I remember to do that. LOL	(KD9VV Pete IN EN71ib )
17Jan 12:36 KD9VV - I just clear the call box after each QSO - completed or not unless hoping someone will answer	(WA2FZW/6M/2M John NJ FN20tp )
17Jan 12:35 WA2FZW: I turned it off. Don't like seeing rig in TX if I'm out of the room.	(KD9VV Pete IN EN71ib )
17Jan 12:35 123500  15  2.5 1515 &  VA3SK W9VHF 73 Thanks Ray for sticking it out	(VA3SK/6/2/100 Ken ON FN06jf )
17Jan 12:35 123415   5  7.7 1479 &  W9VHF VA3SK RRR  We did it!  Tnx Ken.  Not easy today.	(W9VHF Ray IN EN71lf )
17Jan 12:34 123400   1  8.3 1448 &  WA2FZW xxxx xxxx	(KD9VV Pete IN EN71ib )
17Jan 12:33 WA4CQG - GM Dale - Answering	(WA2FZW/6M/2M John NJ FN20tp )
17Jan 12:33 KD9VV - I keep it on - When working DX I'll call someone a few times then stop and wait to see if the y call back in which case I'll automatically answer	(WA2FZW/6M/2M John NJ FN20tp )
17Jan 12:33 WA2FZW  The 9700 is on a different computer.	(W9VHF Ray IN EN71lf )
17Jan 12:32 I will look at it  again if I get bored this afternoon.	(W9VHF Ray IN EN71lf )
17Jan 12:32 WA2FZW: Tnx for tip. I didn't know about the "Enable Wait Feature" Learn somethnig new every day :)	(KD9VV Pete IN EN71ib )
17Jan 12:32 W9VHF - Were you perhaps looking at the ini for the 9700 instead of the 6 meter rig?	(WA2FZW/6M/2M John NJ FN20tp )
17Jan 12:31 W9VHF - Very strange!	(WA2FZW/6M/2M John NJ FN20tp )
17Jan 12:30 WA2FZW  I looked at my .ini file and MSK F Tol was set at 200.  Go figure.	(W9VHF Ray IN EN71lf )
17Jan 12:27 Tnx Pete	(WA2FZW/6M/2M John NJ FN20tp )
17Jan 12:27 WA2FZW: 6 sec burst on you John, best +8db	(KD9VV Pete IN EN71ib )
17Jan 12:26 CQ on 6&2 - Looking West	(WA2FZW/6M/2M John NJ FN20tp )
17Jan 12:24 VA3SK  Responding.............	(W9VHF Ray IN EN71lf )
17Jan 12:23 VA3SK: Ya. 10M has fallen apart...sun cycle was short lived	(KD9VV Pete IN EN71ib )
17Jan 12:23 Weird 2M: 122145 -17 -0.5  319 ~  PCD0GBK +I-EO	(KD9VV Pete IN EN71ib )
17Jan 12:22 KD9VV GM Pete  I guess we are in the winter doldrums. I should be on 80 or 160 !	(VA3SK/6/2/100 Ken ON FN06jf )
17Jan 12:19 VA3SK: GM Ken. Only 2 decodes on you, rox not too good this morning	(KD9VV Pete IN EN71ib )
17Jan 12:19 CQ Stopped - 6&2	(WA2FZW/6M/2M John NJ FN20tp )
17Jan 12:17 W9VHF I`ll let it run until timeout	(VA3SK/6/2/100 Ken ON FN06jf )
17Jan 12:16 121630   4  8.4 1515 &  CQ N0AN EN22	(WA2FZW/6M/2M John NJ FN20tp )
17Jan 12:16 VA3SK  I stopped Ken but still listening.  Will respond it I see you.	(W9VHF Ray IN EN71lf )
17Jan 12:14 Rocks ain't been great today Ken	(WA2FZW/6M/2M John NJ FN20tp )
17Jan 12:13 WA2FZW GM John. saw a few pings from you this morning but generally quiet here	(VA3SK/6/2/100 Ken ON FN06jf )
17Jan 12:11 CQ on 6&2 - Looking West	(WA2FZW/6M/2M John NJ FN20tp )
17Jan 12:11 GM Ken	(WA2FZW/6M/2M John NJ FN20tp )
17Jan 12:10 Rox are thin this  morning.	(W9VHF Ray IN EN71lf )
17Jan 12:10 GM Ray seeing you	(VA3SK/6/2/100 Ken ON FN06jf )
17Jan 12:08 120745   0  1.6 1488 &  CQ VA3SK FN06  GM Ken	(W9VHF Ray IN EN71lf )
17Jan 12:08 :-)	(N0AN/6M/QRO/5EL Hasan IA EN22xc )
17Jan 12:07 N0AN: Tnx Hasan..whew! Amp is winded. LOL qsy 260	(KD9VV Pete IN EN71ib )
17Jan 12:07 120645   8 13.3 1504 &  N0AN KD9VV RR73	(N0AN/6M/QRO/5EL Hasan IA EN22xc )
17Jan 12:06 120615   6  3.8 1506 &  N0AN KD9VV RR73: Got it, tnx Pete, going back to 260, tnx for your patience	(N0AN/6M/QRO/5EL Hasan IA EN22xc )
17Jan 12:06 Yep, Larry, I rename it, so I can recover if I need to. But it's best to start with a virgin *.ini if you have any weird behavior. I've gotten quite good at starting from scratch!	(N0AN/6M/QRO/5EL Hasan IA EN22xc )
17Jan 12:06 N0AN: Will send 3's til 12:10	(KD9VV Pete IN EN71ib )
17Jan 12:05 Yeah, working at it, Pete...	(N0AN/6M/QRO/5EL Hasan IA EN22xc )
17Jan 12:05 most the time not all the time when i move from one version to another i save old ini file but if i have any problems i deete it	(K0TPP/2/6/222 Larry mo EM48ll )
17Jan 12:04 120430   2  1.9 1487 &  xxxxxx K4SAF EM88 - GM Carol	(WA2FZW/6M/2M John NJ FN20tp )
17Jan 12:04 RF treadmill; peddling hard not getting far. ;-)	(KD9VV Pete IN EN71ib )
17Jan 12:04 W9VHF: Ray, once you have one that is working, copy it to somewhere safe (wsjtx.ini), so if this happens again, you can restore it.	(N0AN/6M/QRO/5EL Hasan IA EN22xc )
17Jan 12:03 120330  12  7.8 1494 &  KD9VV N0AN R+13	(KD9VV Pete IN EN71ib )
17Jan 12:03 W9VHF - You can also edit the ini file - In mine, at the very bottom is 'Ftol_MSK144=100'	(WA2FZW/6M/2M John NJ FN20tp )
17Jan 12:02 Yep, coldest morning of the year, looks like, Previous one was -8	(N0AN/6M/QRO/5EL Hasan IA EN22xc )
17Jan 12:01 Won't be turning the antenna after Sat nite...Brrrr!	(KD9VV Pete IN EN71ib )
17Jan 12:01 RR	(W9VHF Ray IN EN71lf )
17Jan 12:01 W9VHF: if youi didn't follow what I said, call Larry!	(N0AN/6M/QRO/5EL Hasan IA EN22xc )
17Jan 12:00 115945   5  8.4 1505 &  N0AN KD9VV ~Plus~00	(N0AN/6M/QRO/5EL Hasan IA EN22xc )
17Jan 12:00 N0AN: There we go! 3's coming	(KD9VV Pete IN EN71ib )
17Jan 12:00 120000  10  2.5 1514 &  VA3SK K0TPP 73	(VA3SK/6/2/100 Ken ON FN06jf )
17Jan 12:00 Rename your existing ini to *.old, restart X and it will creaet a new empty one, but you will have to reset all the stuff	(N0AN/6M/QRO/5EL Hasan IA EN22xc )
17Jan 12:00 115945  10  7.6 1488 &  K0TPP VA3SK RRR	(K0TPP/2/6/222 Larry mo EM48ll )
17Jan 11:59 you know how to delete ini if you don,t call me	(K0TPP/2/6/222 Larry mo EM48ll )
17Jan 11:59 N0AN: weird condx this morning	(KD9VV Pete IN EN71ib )
17Jan 11:59 Don't go back to RC7	(N0AN/6M/QRO/5EL Hasan IA EN22xc )
17Jan 11:59 W9VHF: Create a new wsjtx.ini file, using RC8, that should fix it.	(N0AN/6M/QRO/5EL Hasan IA EN22xc )
17Jan 11:58 N0AN  I just set up a new configuration set a 200 and it still does it.  I may  need to roll back to rc7.	(W9VHF Ray IN EN71lf )
17Jan 11:58 mabe reset ini file reset everything 	(K0TPP/2/6/222 Larry mo EM48ll )
17Jan 11:58 KD9VV: there we go, ~Plus~7,8,13,14 and 17 	(N0AN/6M/QRO/5EL Hasan IA EN22xc )
17Jan 11:57 115715  13  6.2 1510 &  N0AN KD9VV ~Plus~02	(N0AN/6M/QRO/5EL Hasan IA EN22xc )
17Jan 11:57 Ray, of you have a config set with F Tol 50, it will return every time you invoke it	(N0AN/6M/QRO/5EL Hasan IA EN22xc )
17Jan 11:56 Nothing here so far, Pete	(N0AN/6M/QRO/5EL Hasan IA EN22xc )
17Jan 11:56 N0AN: 3 decodes so far Hasan, best +12db	(KD9VV Pete IN EN71ib )
17Jan 11:56 I will set up a new configuration and see it that solves it.  I don't see any realted settings to mess with.	(W9VHF Ray IN EN71lf )
17Jan 11:55 i bet it,s a setting	(K0TPP/2/6/222 Larry mo EM48ll )
17Jan 11:55 I just tried to make sure	(WA2FZW/6M/2M John NJ FN20tp )
17Jan 11:55 Mine, neither, RAy, it is set on 100 Hz	(N0AN/6M/QRO/5EL Hasan IA EN22xc )
17Jan 11:55 W9VHF - I'm on improved-RC8 - Not happening here when I go between FT8 & MSK	(WA2FZW/6M/2M John NJ FN20tp )
17Jan 11:54 mabe a setting	(K0TPP/2/6/222 Larry mo EM48ll )
17Jan 11:54 Not a lot of rocks yet this morning, Pete	(N0AN/6M/QRO/5EL Hasan IA EN22xc )
17Jan 11:54 W9VHF Ray, mine not doing that Ray	(K0TPP/2/6/222 Larry mo EM48ll )
17Jan 11:54 WA2FZW  Tnx John.  Your best ~Plus~21	(W9VHF Ray IN EN71lf )
17Jan 11:53 KD9VV: Calling youi, me 1st 50.255	(N0AN/6M/QRO/5EL Hasan IA EN22xc )
17Jan 11:53 115300   0  3.5 1510 &  WA2FZW W9VHF RR73 - Tnx Ray - Best ~Plus~5 - Have a great day! - 73	(WA2FZW/6M/2M John NJ FN20tp )
17Jan 11:53 So why does F Tol reset to 50 every time I switch modes using rc8?	(W9VHF Ray IN EN71lf )
17Jan 11:53 N0AN: RR QSY now	(KD9VV Pete IN EN71ib )
17Jan 11:52 KD9VV: want to try 255?	(N0AN/6M/QRO/5EL Hasan IA EN22xc )
17Jan 11:52 OK Me3	(WA2FZW/6M/2M John NJ FN20tp )
17Jan 11:52 OK.  Will start again.	(W9VHF Ray IN EN71lf )
17Jan 11:52 rrr	(N0AN/6M/QRO/5EL Hasan IA EN22xc )
17Jan 11:51 N0AN: Ray & John need to finish	(KD9VV Pete IN EN71ib )
17Jan 11:51 OK, Pete, standing by	(N0AN/6M/QRO/5EL Hasan IA EN22xc )
17Jan 11:51 RR	(WA2FZW/6M/2M John NJ FN20tp )
17Jan 11:51 WA2FZW  Standing by while Pete and Hasan complete.	(W9VHF Ray IN EN71lf )
17Jan 11:51 Did you start again?	(WA2FZW/6M/2M John NJ FN20tp )
17Jan 11:50 :-)	(N0AN/6M/QRO/5EL Hasan IA EN22xc )
17Jan 11:50 N0AN: Stndby a min	(KD9VV Pete IN EN71ib )
17Jan 11:50 WA2FZW  There you are.	(W9VHF Ray IN EN71lf )
17Jan 11:50 N0AN: Got ya hooked...just need to boat ya now! LOL	(KD9VV Pete IN EN71ib )
17Jan 11:50 W9VHF - OK - Last decode here 11:47:30 @ ~Plus~5	(WA2FZW/6M/2M John NJ FN20tp )
17Jan 11:49 Yeah, Polar Vortex is going to get us again.	(N0AN/6M/QRO/5EL Hasan IA EN22xc )
17Jan 11:49 WA2FZW  Stopping.  Not getting anywhere this morning.  Pings up  to ~Plus~21 from you.	(W9VHF Ray IN EN71lf )
17Jan 11:48 Sure, I"m calling youi, me 1st 260, Pete	(N0AN/6M/QRO/5EL Hasan IA EN22xc )
17Jan 11:48 N0AN  GM Hasan...I can turn your way if ya wanna give a go..May be a while before I can rotate agn.	(KD9VV Pete IN EN71ib )
17Jan 11:48 KD9VV: Right Click on the Yellow DX Call Box , it clears everything. If yoiu are going away from the rig, you should do that to prevent unintended transmissions.	(N0AN/6M/QRO/5EL Hasan IA EN22xc )
17Jan 11:47 RR	(KD9VV Pete IN EN71ib )
17Jan 11:46 Yes - Or disable the 'wait' functions	(WA2FZW/6M/2M John NJ FN20tp )
17Jan 11:46 KD9VV: right click on the DxCall Box clears everything	(N0AN/6M/QRO/5EL Hasan IA EN22xc )
17Jan 11:46 114600   4  8.2 1525 &  xxxx KD9VV R~Plus~04	(WA2FZW/6M/2M John NJ FN20tp )
17Jan 11:46 WA2FZW: just need to clear all?	(KD9VV Pete IN EN71ib )
17Jan 11:46 You can disable that	(WA2FZW/6M/2M John NJ FN20tp )
17Jan 11:45 KA1W: ICU Dave	(KD9VV Pete IN EN71ib )
17Jan 11:45 YOu had someones call in the box and thus wait and call was on	(WA2FZW/6M/2M John NJ FN20tp )
17Jan 11:45 Hmmm? Dont like how wsjt responds when I'm not in the room?	(KD9VV Pete IN EN71ib )
17Jan 11:41 WA2FZW  GM John.  ICU	(W9VHF Ray IN EN71lf )
17Jan 11:41 114030   1 13.3 1510 &  CQ W9VHF EN71 - GM Ray - Answering	(WA2FZW/6M/2M John NJ FN20tp )
17Jan 11:37 KA1W: No break..bbiab	(KD9VV Pete IN EN71ib )
17Jan 11:37 GM John et al	(KD9VV Pete IN EN71ib )
17Jan 11:36 KD9VV Pete Im going to let chickens out .. stand by \	(KA1W Dave CT FN31ki )
17Jan 11:36 CQ on 6&2 - Looking West	(WA2FZW/6M/2M John NJ FN20tp )
17Jan 11:36 CQ 1st 260 EAST MSK144	(N0AN/6M/QRO/5EL Hasan IA EN22xc )
17Jan 11:35 GM Pete	(WA2FZW/6M/2M John NJ FN20tp )
17Jan 11:35 tnx Larry 	(KA1W Dave CT FN31ki )
17Jan 11:35 113445   8  4.1 1462 &  K0TPP KA1W RR73      U.S.A.113445  12  4.4 1462 &  K0TPP KA1W RR73      U.S.A.	(K0TPP/2/6/222 Larry mo EM48ll )
17Jan 11:34 GM Pete	(N0AN/6M/QRO/5EL Hasan IA EN22xc )